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M.C. Escher Kaleidocykly : [kalós (krásný) + êidos (obraz) + kŷklos (kruh)]

Doris Schattschneider, Wallace Walker

Benedikt Taschen | 1992

499 Kč

Dobrý, ohnuté rohy, vybledlý hřbet
Dostupnost: Skladem pro e-shop
Vazba: Sešit
Počet stran: 40
Jazyky: česky
Ilustrátor: M. C Escher
Vydání: 1. vyd.
ISBN: 9783894503901
Vydáno v: Berlin
Poznámka: 11 stran s modely
Vystaveno: čt 23. listopadu 2023 21:58
Číslo položky: 700204

Illusions in your hands Craft one of the most original artists of our time into 3D!Intricate patterns, elegant geometries, and mind-boggling graphics are trademarks of the magical visual world of Dutch artist M.C. Escher (1898 1972.) Mysterious and mathematical at once, his work has captivated scientists, scholars, and popular culture, inspiring book covers, album art, films, posters, and puzzles.This book brings Escher s tessellated wonders into your own hands. Crafting the perforated card spreads, you can transform Escher s richly dimensional designs into fascinating, three-dimensional, interlocking objects of forming and reforming patterns, including genius arrangements of flowers, butterflies, lizards, and seashells. The book includes assembly instructions as well as a review of the geometric principles and artistic invention underlying Escher s optical marvels.

Doris Schattschneider

Schattschneider was born in Staten Island; her mother, Charlotte Lucille Ingalls Wood, taught Latin and was herself the daughter of a Staten Island school principal, and her father, Robert W. Wood, Jr., worked as a bridge engineer for New York City. Her family moved to Lake Placid, New York during World War II, while her father served as an engineer for the U. S. Army; she began her schooling in Lake Placid, but returned to Staten Island after the war. She did her undergraduate studies in mathematics at the University of Rochester, and earned a Ph.D. in 1966 from Yale University under the joint supervision of Tsuneo Tamagawa and Ichirô Satake; her thesis, in abstract algebra, concerned semisimple algebraic groups. She taught at Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle before joining the faculty of Moravian College in 1968, where she remained for 34 years until her retirement. She was the first female editor of Mathematics Magazine, from 1981 to 1985.

Wallace Walker

Americký umělec, grafický designér a pedagog.

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