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US East Coast heavy metal band from the late 1970s to early 1980s. In the original lineup, Barry Brandt was the drummer, Frank DiMino was the lead singer, Gregg Giuffria handled the keyboards/synths/piano, Punky Meadows played guitar and Mickey Jones played bass. The original band went on hiatus in the early 80s, and it wasn't until the late 90s that Angel was reformed by original members Frank DiMino and Barry Brandt. An early 2000s line-up included DiMino on vocals and Brandt on drums, and with Steve Blaze playing guitar, Randy Gregg playing bass and Michael T. Ross on keyboards. In 2019, the band name was resurrected with DiMino and Meadows of the original line-up plus Danny Farrow, Steve Ojane, Billy Orrico and Charlie Calv.

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