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James Clarke


Kanadský spisovatel, autor fantasy literatury. Napsal: Romány * 1990. The Expediter * 2006. Alphanauts Povídky: * 1969. Artifact * 1969. The Ambassadors * 1973. Six Men From Alpha * 1984. The Last Expediter * 1985. Earthgate * 1986. Intent of Mercy * 1986. Joint Action * 1987. The Testament of Geoffrey * 1988. Dry Run * 1988. Long Song * 1989. Flaw on Serendip * 1989. The Last Defender * 1990. Return of the Alphanauts * 1990. Transference * 1992. Adoption * 1994. The Second Experiment * 1996. Dinoshift * 2001. Wet * 2004. In Spare Zdroj:

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